PLWA values the opportunity to work with partner organizations, government departments, representatives, and members of the public to keep Montana the Last Best Place.


As a 501c3 non-profit, PLWA does not engage in lobbying. However, PLWA does believe strongly in non-partisan engagement to support public access to your lands and waters. As an organization, PLWA researches bills and measures which may affect access. We may offer support, recommendations for modifications, or at times speak out against them.

Montana has a long history of not only the best stream access in the west, but of ardent support for public access, and a wealth of public lands and waters. At PLWA, we monitor legislative initiatives, land transfers, and government proposals to ensure that the public interest is always included.

2023 Legislative Issues


House Bill 462

Read the letter PLWA and partner organizations signed on to and sent to our state leadership.

Read about PLWA’s historic work on Habitat Montana from the 2019 legislature below.

Read a write-up from the Billings Gazette.

Read the content of the bill.

House Bill 486 - PASSED!

Read the content of the bill, along with a press release.

Download our Director Katy Ross’ statement regarding the bill.

The new bill raises the fine from $10/day to $100/day and allows for individuals to petition the county to address road closures.

Review the fiscal note for HB 486.

Senate Bill 497 - DEFEATED!

Senator Fitzpatrick’s bill targeted organizations like PLWA by affecting our ability to recover attorney’s fees when we take a prescriptive easement case to court and prevail. It also would have affected historic prescriptive easements, creating a situation where expensive and unnecessary litigation may be required. Read SB 497.

2021 Legislative Issues


Senate Bill 354

The bill favors wealthy landowners and takes away rights to challenge illegal closures.

Read the bill content and Jim Goetz’ legal analysis of the pitfalls of the previous version of the bill.

Read a recent article in the Helena Independent.

Senate Bill 256

Read the content of the bill and Executive Director Hanes’ Senate Judiciary testimony in favor of Senate Bill 256.

Senate Bill 115

Read the content of the bill.

Executive Director Hanes’ sent a veto request sent to Gov. Gianforte.

PLWA Partner MWF’s veto request is available, along with MT Sporting Coalition’s letter of request


2019 Legislative Issues


Habitat Montana

Read the Amicus Brief written by Jim Goetz and ED Burdett regarding Montana’s premier program Habitat Montana.


Have you heard about a legislative issue we should know about? Let us know here: