Education and Outreach

PLWA’s Education, Outreach, and Action Program combines opportunities for community engagement and education about access rights. The Public Access Volunteer Corps is made up of public land and water users and partner organizations who advocate for access. Our Ambassadors, Advocates, and Sponsors build community, amplify the public’s voice on important access issues, educate members on their access rights, and help shape PLWA’s mission and vision to meet Montana’s present and future needs. Scroll down to learn more.

Public Access Volunteer Corps

The goals of PLWA’s landmark Public Access Volunteer Corps are:

  • prepare volunteers to advocate for and educate about public land and water access rights in Montana

  • enable individuals to investigate and successfully address the myriad of public access complaints currently facing Montana’s public access community

  • develop the skills required to bridge gaps between public and private landowners, while safeguarding and enhancing access

  • create partnerships between organizations and communities that care about public access issues both within and outside of Montana

Public Access Investigation Certificate (PAIC) course

This training program is an inaugural grassroots initiative to create community self-efficacy around public access advocacy work and increase local knowledge about public access rights in Montana. The initial class graduated in Fall of 2022.

Training for access work is completed via a live 8 hour course taken online, available to students across Montana. At the end of the course students take an open book exam to demonstrate knowledge acquisition and, upon passing, are granted PLWA’s Public Access Investigation Certificate. Volunteers are requested to donate 2 hours per week of their time to help with PLWA’s access work. Most of this will work is remote, however at times, Access Investigators may be requested to attend local county meetings as PLWA representatives or visit courthouses or government offices located in the volunteer’s area. Training is general so that graduates may serve organizations and public access causes beyond the umbrella of PLWA. The latest syllabus is available HERE.

Future Course Dates: TBD

Community Engagement

“It is a fallacy to believe public lands are a given. We’ve seen many attempts, some successful, to reduce the treasures of American public lands to a simple line item. The truth is the wealth of these lands far exceeds their capital value, and without the passion of people defending them, these lands will erode over a few generations. We need to recognize the collective wealth that access provides. From hunting and fishing to recreation to scientific research, the value of public land is boundless.”
— Matt MaCoy, PLWA Access Ambassador

PLWA Sponsor

PLWA Sponsorship allows organizations to pool resources, ideas, and support to achieve more. We partner with organizations that share common goals, working to raise awareness and generate excitement about public lands, access, conservation, and wildlife.

If you are interested in being a sponsor, reach out to us and see how we can help each other safeguard the incredible resources Montana has to offer.

Access Ambassador

PLWA’s Access Ambassador program brings artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and storytellers together to highlight important public land and water issues and connect users with access issues they care about. Montana is filled with talented individuals recreating and working on public lands.

Reach out if you are interested in joining the team and bringing visibility to important access issues.

You don’t have to be part of one of our official programs to be a part of PLWA’s team.

Become an Access Advocate

Every day, all across Montana, there are people quietly working to protect public access to your public lands and waters. It takes time and effort from all types of land users. Click here to find out more ways you can help defend access across Montana.

Do you know an access advocate who deserves recognition? Nominate someone by contacting us today! Selected individuals will get a free membership to PLWA, where we believe that Access Is Everything.